We Publish The Good News/ Online Christian Publishing

Voices Crying In The Wilderness

by Alison Teed

In 2003, Alison Teed answered God’s call to deliver yet, one more message. “Write again in a book all you have seen and heard….”

After more than a year of waiting on God, Alison began writing Voices Crying in the Wilderness— an account of 30 years of prophetic obedience. Although, never a key prophetic voice in Canada, she understood as she recorded her testimony that the messages she had faithfully delivered over the years for God were now significant to what He was doing not only in her own country, but also around the world. God was once more calling her to fearlessly deliver a message for Him.

This book is an account of the obedience, trials, testings, and growing up of a prophet. Voices Crying In the Wilderness is a prophecy: God calling out His prophets—great and small--for this hour, and more importantly the hour to come. This is a call to ALL God’s laborers to come and stand before Him and answer the call on their lives and rise up and be doing it—WITHOUT FEAR!

“God knows exactly what situations to place us in to see if we leak—on the other hand, I don’t think it is so that He can see if we leak—but so that we can see that we will leak under certain strains and stresses.” Voices Crying In The Wilderness


Alison Teed is a business administrator and former local magazine publisher. She has written assorted articles and short stories including children’s stories. She is a student of fine art and has studied with local art groups since 1986. Alison experienced a visitation from Jesus, committing her life to Him in 1976. She resides with her husband in Surrey, BC and attends a local non denominational church in the Lower Mainland of Vancouver, Canada.


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